pwnlib.tubes.sock — Sockets

class pwnlib.tubes.sock.sock[源代码]


Base type used for tubes.remote and tubes.listen classes

class pwnlib.tubes.remote.remote(host, port, fam='any', typ='tcp', ssl=False, sock=None, *args, **kwargs)[源代码]

Bases: pwnlib.tubes.sock.sock

Creates a TCP or UDP-connection to a remote host. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

The returned object supports all the methods from pwnlib.tubes.sock and

  • host (str) – The host to connect to.
  • port (int) – The port to connect to.
  • fam – The string “any”, “ipv4” or “ipv6” or an integer to pass to socket.getaddrinfo().
  • typ – The string “tcp” or “udp” or an integer to pass to socket.getaddrinfo().
  • timeout – A positive number, None or the string “default”.
  • ssl (bool) – Wrap the socket with SSL
  • sock (socket.socket) – Socket to inherit, rather than connecting


>>> r = remote('', 443, ssl=True)
>>> r.send('GET /\r\n\r\n')
>>> r.recvn(4)

If a connection cannot be made, an exception is raised.

>>> r = remote('', 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
PwnlibException: Could not connect to on port 1

You can also use remote.fromsocket() to wrap an existing socket.

>>> import socket
>>> s = socket.socket()
>>> s.connect(('', 80))
>>> s.send('GET /' + '\r\n'*2)
>>> r = remote.fromsocket(s)
>>> r.recvn(4)
classmethod fromsocket(socket)[源代码]

Helper method to wrap a standard python socket.socket with the tube APIs.

参数:socket – Instance of socket.socket
返回:Instance of pwnlib.tubes.remote.remote.
class pwnlib.tubes.listen.listen(port=0, bindaddr='', fam='any', typ='tcp', *args, **kwargs)[源代码]

Bases: pwnlib.tubes.sock.sock

Creates an TCP or UDP-socket to receive data on. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

The returned object supports all the methods from pwnlib.tubes.sock and

  • port (int) – The port to connect to. Defaults to a port auto-selected by the operating system.
  • bindaddr (str) – The address to bind to. Defaults to / ::.
  • fam – The string “any”, “ipv4” or “ipv6” or an integer to pass to socket.getaddrinfo().
  • typ – The string “tcp” or “udp” or an integer to pass to socket.getaddrinfo().


>>> l = listen(1234)
>>> r = remote('localhost', l.lport)
>>> _ = l.wait_for_connection()
>>> l.sendline('Hello')
>>> r.recvline()
>>> l = listen()
>>> l.spawn_process('/bin/sh')
>>> r = remote('localhost', l.lport)
>>> r.sendline('echo Goodbye')
>>> r.recvline()

Blocks until a connection has been established.

canonname = None[源代码]

Canonical name of the listening interface

family = None[源代码]

Socket family

lhost = None[源代码]

Local host

lport = 0[源代码]

Local port

protocol = None[源代码]

Socket protocol

sockaddr = None[源代码]

Sockaddr structure that is being listened on

type = None[源代码]

Socket type (e.g. socket.SOCK_STREAM)